🗓️ December 10th at 1 pm ET
Join Instructional Program Manager, John Bellotti, and professors Eric Brunsell and Jillayne Halverson as they share the story of implementing Yellowdig at UW-Oshkosh to transform teaching and learning. This webinar will take you through the journey—starting with "Why Yellowdig?" and moving through comparisons with traditional LMS discussions, real student and instructor feedback, and powerful data on engagement and grades. Learn how the team encouraged participation and leveraged instructor engagement to drive student success. Packed with tips, examples, and insights, this session will leave you inspired to create your own engagement success story with Yellowdig!

"Yellowdig is the space at the intersection of the social, collaborative, academic, and virtual worlds." Gad Allon, Professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
"Easy to learn and use. Yellowdig is simply a social media platform built for education. I enjoyed how easy it was to communicate with my classmates." Michael Gaskins, MBA Student, Drexel University
"One of my favorite things about Yellowdig is the way it has helped online MBA students develop and sustain connections beyond individual courses." Erin Sicuranza, IT Academic Technology Services, University of Delaware