Foster human connection within your courses

Learn how Yellowdig Communities produce better learning outcomes, develop whole human capabilities, and replace tedious grading with enjoyable interactions.

August 15th @ 1:30 pm ET

What is Yellowdig Engage?

Engage is Yellowdig's solution for within courses. Transform your learners from mere consumers of information to explorers of knowledge on each course topic as a community of inquiry. Learn more here.

How can I get started with Yellowdig after the demo?

We can help you get started with Yellowdig before fall! The quickest way for individual instructors to get started at schools without a license is with student-pay. In this model, learners pay for access to your Yellowdig community for less than the cost of a few cups of coffee. To learn more about other options for getting started, please check out our partnership plans. We'd be happy to discuss which route is best for you! 

This webinar will exclusively cover Yellowdig Engage. It will not cover Yellowdig Connect (for pre-enrollment) or Yellowdig Succeed (for student success). If you'd like to attend a webinar covering either of those solutions, please register here

Complete this form to register for an upcoming demo of Yellowdig Engage (Yellowdig for within courses)!

"Yellowdig is the space at the intersection of the social, collaborative, academic, and virtual worlds." Gad Allon, Professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
"Easy to learn and use. Yellowdig is simply a social media platform built for education. I enjoyed how easy it was to communicate with my classmates." Michael Gaskins, MBA Student, Drexel University
"One of my favorite things about Yellowdig is the way it has helped online MBA students develop and sustain connections beyond individual courses." Erin Sicuranza, IT Academic Technology Services, University of Delaware